Jerome Acks, Holly Murkerson, and Kaylee Wyant have co-directed the artist-run gallery and collective ADDS DONNA together since 2011. They’ve collaborated on numerous exhibitions and projects, at home and abroad, all the while maintaining individual art practices which have remained separate from their activities at ADDS DONNA.
This exhibition will provide a glimpse into their current work, revealing the triangulation of what links them—their inevitable overlaps and influences. All three utilize chance operations in their process, embracing the fluidity of context to nudge or assert meaning. And in each body of work there is a tendency to pinch, fold, compress and contort the image- an impulse suggesting a shared desire to obscure the subject.
Jerome Acks constructs compositions from stitched remnants of dyed and folded fabric, confusing the flatness of the picture plane. Holly Murkerson’s photographs use reflection, cropping, and darkroom processes to obscure the position of the body. And Kaylee Wyant’s paintings fragment and distort the figure, sometimes past the point of representation.
The constraints of their individual processes allow for a “shuffling of the deck” to consider new possibilities within a hermetic system. Together the works converge to expose some of the core preferences and concepts guiding their decisions at Adds Donna.